Inferno on the Pi Zero 2W

I've been continuing to hack around with the existing Inferno port to the Raspberry Pi, mixing in bits of 9pi and 9front where it looks like they're needed. I spent some time yesterday looking at the USB keyboard driver, becoming reacquainted with the details of USB keyboard handling that I last explored when I wrote EHCI support for my Efika MX port.

I also pulled in some customisation to acme that I use in hosted Inferno to make things more comfortable for a long-time non-acme user like myself. And I created a quick screen device so that I could take screenshots.

A basic working environment on the Pi Zero 2W.
Inferno on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W

Two obvious things need to be addressed: the window manager background doesn't always update when windows are closed or moved, and acme sometimes thinks that files in a FAT file system are directories. Both of these sometimes manifest themselves in hosted Inferno, too, so I'll probably start by exploring these issues there.

David Boddie
12 May 2024